
Barbara Kay Coaching (BKC) provides custom coaching to individuals, teams, leaders and groups. As a business psychology and achievement expert Barbara is a personal trainer for business success.

How it Works


As a behavioral scientist and productivity coach, Barbara speaks nationally on a wide range of achievement topics including: Growth, Productivity, Leadership, Teams, Client Relationships, Behavioral Finance, Change, Women, Branding & Communication.

Timely Topics

Professional Development

BKC designs custom workshops for professionals, teams and leaders and consults on development initiatives across a variety of areas including: Leadership, Teams, Productivity, Change, Client Relationships, Communication, Women, Mentoring, Coaching and Assessments.

How it Works

Learn More About Barbara


How is custom coaching different? 

Download Coaching FAQ’s and What Clients Say to learn about custom coaching and results.  Contact BKC to schedule a complimentary consultation to answer questions and explore your interests.


Behavioral psychology and achievement expert Barbara Kay delivers highly practical keynotes. 

Discover Popular Topics watch Barbara Speak, and see Sample Presentations. Contact BKC to discuss your topic interests. 

Upon request, Barbara speaks at Client Events with complementary and engaging presentations. 

Barbara Delivering a Keynote

Professional Development

Sample Interactive Workshops, learn about BKC expertise and clients in the video below, explore individual, team and leader Assessments and learn more about Consulting Projects. Contact BKC  to achieve professional development goals.

About & Clients

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